Accountgegevens bekijken

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View store information

To view your Merchant Id (MID), Terminal Id (TID) and other store information in the app, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the   icon in the top left and from the menu select "Settings".

  2. From the Settings screen, tap “Store information”.

  3. From here you can view:

    • Merchant address - Your business address as registered with Trust Payments.
    • Merchant ID - Unique identifier of the merchant within the acquiring bank platform.
    • External ID - Unique site reference registered on the Trust Payments platform.
    • Terminal ID - Unique identifier for the merchant's store.

    Tap the   icon to copy data to the clipboard.


View app information

To view your device, wallet and app information, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the   icon in the top left and from the menu select "Settings".

  2. From the Settings screen, tap “App information”.

  3. From here you can view:

    • Device ID - Unique identifier for your smartphone running the app.
    • Wallet ID - Internal identifier used for troubleshooting purposes.
    • SDK version - SDK version the app is built upon.
    • App version - Version number of the currently-installed app.

    Tap the   icon to copy data to the clipboard.

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