
Michael Buckley

I work on the Technical Specialist team based in Bangor.

  • Total activity 2214
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Recent activity by Michael Buckley
  • Notifications for PayPal transactions

    Before you begin testing, we recommend that you contact our Support Team and request that rules are enabled on your account, which submit URL notifications to your system in the following scenarios...

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  • Tokenization for JavaScript Library

    You can use our JavaScript Library to allow returning customers to process payments on your app without the need to re-enter all of their card details. Not only does this lead to faster and easier ...

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  • Managing conditions

    Conditions created on your MyST user account can be managed by clicking the “Conditions” tab above the table.   Please be aware that conditions and actions can only be managed by the users that cr...

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  • Performing a Risk Decision on a transaction

    A Risk Decision request analyses the customer’s billing, delivery and payment details using a rule-based system to detect suspicious patterns in user activity. The system will assist you in making ...

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  • Display options

    You can use the Display options area to modify settings pertaining to the appearance of user elements visible on MyST   Required user roles Some features can only be accessed by those with suppo...

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  • The Merchant Activity tab

    Authorisation history page The Authorisation History page allows you to search and view historical authorisation information. An authorisation is initially visible only on the Recent Authorisations...

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  • Status

    Use this transaction to retrieve the status of a previously submitted transaction. This can be used in cases such as communications or hardware failures. End Point : /status Example request Examp...

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  • Changing the manager password

    This article explains how to change the manager password. Follow the appropriate instructions below for your terminal: Castles VEGA and Ingenico devices Tap Menu icon   onscreen, scroll down an...

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  • LAN/Wi-Fi connection

    The terminal supports LAN and Wi-Fi connection. If a physical LAN connection is required, then an RJ45-to-RJ45 LAN cable (not supplied) will need to be connected between the router and the payment ...

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  • Main screen

    The initial user display contains information about the current state of the terminal and allows you to run some basic operations. Information about the date and time, connection type, signal stren...

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