Pay by Link

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  Helaas is het hier beschreven product momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.


  This feature is available to merchants using our TRU Connect gateway.

The “Pay by Link” page simplifies the process of requesting a new payment from a customer. A link is generated that, when clicked by the customer, opens a webpage to a secure checkout page hosted by Trust Payments, allowing them to process a transaction to your selected Site Reference. You can either opt to have the aforementioned link copied to your clipboard so it can be easily pasted into a message to a customer, or have it emailed to them directly.

  Required user roles

Admin, PaybyLink

  How to access

Select “Pay by Link” from the left (this is found under the "Payments" header).

Screenshot of Pay by Link (Click to expand)


“Payment details” section

As a minimum, you will need to fill out the form displayed under the “Payment details” section:

  • Site reference – Specify the site reference for the payment.

      Please ensure the site reference selected has an ECOM Merchant Id (MID). Failure to do so will result in the customer being displayed a "No Account Found" error at checkout.
  • Order reference – You can optionally assign a custom reference of your own. You can use this to help identify the transaction at a later time.
  • Transaction amount – Enter the transaction amount (e.g. “10.99” or “10,99”).
  • Currency – Select a currency from those enabled on your account.

      Please ensure the currency selected here is enabled on your ECOM MID. Failure to do so will result in the customer being displayed a "No Account Found" error at checkout.
  • Settle status –
    • By default, this is set to “0 – Pending settlement”. This allows our internal Fraud and Duplicate checks to be performed (if enabled) and the transaction will normally settle within 24 hours.
    • This can also be set to “1 – Manual settlement”, which will bypass our internal Fraud and Duplicate checks (if enabled) and the transaction should settle within 24 hours.
    • Alternatively, the transaction can be set to “2 – Suspended”. After seeking authorisation from the issuing bank, this will put the transaction on hold indefinitely, until you manually update the status again at a later time.
  • Settle due date – Providing the transaction is authorised by the issuing bank, this is the date the funds will be settled into your bank account.
  • Payment pages version – Specify the Payment Pages version and profile to be used when the customer performs the payment. There are two options:
Version 1 (Legacy)

Version 2 (Recommended)



  • Profile – For Payment Pages version 2, you can specify a custom profile, which is used to apply changes to the appearance and behaviour of the page.
  • Locale – This translates the checkout into the language corresponding with the locale selected, and also ensures the formatting of field names remains in keeping with local conventions. If you opt to have an Pay by Link email sent to the customer with a link to the checkout and/or have enabled an email receipt to be sent to the customer after their purchase, these will also be translated.
    Note: When using Payment Pages version 1, only UK and US locales are supported.
  • Credentials on file – Specifies whether credentials are to be stored for future use.


"Email details" section

  This section is only applicable when opting to have Trust Payments email the payment link directly to the customer, rather than generating a link for you to send manually.

The “Email details” section contains extra fields for customising the email sent:

  • First / last name – You can enter a billing name here. This will be shown on the email received by the customer, and also pre-fills the billing name fields shown on the hosted Payment Pages (the customer can alter these on the page before completing the payment).
  • Email to – You will need to enter the customer’s billing email address here. This is where the email is sent, and is also displayed within the billing email address field on the hosted Payment Pages (the customer can alter this on the page before completing the payment). Email addresses can have a maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the “@” symbol).
  • Bcc email to – This will send a copy of the Pay by Link email to the address specified here. When including multiple email addresses, separate with commas(,) or semicolons(;). Email addresses can have a maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the “@” symbol).
  • Email reply to – When the customer attempts to reply to a Pay by Link email, their email client will populate the “To” field with this address.
  • Email subject – This will default to “Invoice for payment”.


"Additional details" section

  This section is only applicable when opting to have Trust Payments email the payment link directly to the customer, rather than generating a link for you to send manually.

This section contains a large text box. You can enter additional information here, and this will be included in the email sent to the customer (e.g. Personalised message to the customer).



You can ensure that links generated by Pay by Link remain consistent across multiple orders, by assigning default values for fields like the email subject and any custom styling to be applied to the checkout page.

To do so, click the cog in the upper right of the page to display the “Custom default fields” pop-up. Here, you can specify custom default field values for Payment pages versionCurrencyPayment pages profileLocale and Email subject. Click “Save” to confirm your changes.



Generating the link

After you have filled out the above, there are two methods in which you can generate a link to the secure checkout page:

1. Generate link

Clicking this button will generate a link that is immediately displayed to you within the browser, allowing you to copy this to your clipboard and paste into a message to your customer (as shown below):


2. Send email

Providing you have filled out the “Email details” section on the page, this will immediately send an email directly to the customer containing a link to the payment page.

  Before sending an email to the customer requesting payment, we recommend sending an email to your own email address to ensure the account configuration and company logo appears correctly.


A generated link can only be used by one customer. If you need to send payment links to multiple customers, you will need to generate a new link for each customer.

Links are valid for 14 days after they are generated. The customer will be prohibited from completing the payment if they have failed to do so within this 14-day period. If this occurs, you can choose to send a new link to the customer, if needed.

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