Uw profiel

  Laatst bijgewerkt: 

  Helaas is het hier beschreven product momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

You can use your “Profile” page to view information about your Portal user account and change settings.

  Required user roles

All users can access the following core features:

  • View account information.
  • Change language and timezone.
  • Review cookie preferences.

Additional features are only accessible to the following roles:

Admin, Developer, TransactionUser, ViewFeesAndStatements, ViewTransactionsOnly

  How to access

Click your username in the top-right and then "Profile" from the drop-down menu that is displayed.


General table

The following information is displayed:

Field Comment
First Name Your first name. Click the   icon to edit this.
Last Name Your last name. Click the   icon to edit this.
Username Your username.
Role Your assigned user role.
Primary Email

Your primary email address.

Secondary Email

Your secondary email address. Click the   icon to edit this.

Password Click the "Update" button to change the sign-in password associated with your Portal user account. You must first enter your current password, before choosing a new password.
Multi-factor Authentication Click the "Manage" button to view information regarding multi-factor authentication on your Portal user account. Here you will also find the option to reset your multi-factor authentication if needed.
Language Changes the language displayed.
Timezone Changes the timezone of all timestamps displayed to you. (Hover your cursor over a timestamp to view it in UTC)
Access Group

If your Portal user account has been assigned an access group, the name of the group will be displayed here.


Click the "View" button to display a pop-up that lists all site references associated with your Portal user account.

For each site reference listed:

  • If the site reference has been assigned to any site groups, these are listed in the Site Groups column.
  • A Merchant Name is given to each site reference to help identify it.
  • The Site Status indicates whether or not a site is enabled (Disabled sites are unable to process transactions).
  • The Acquirers column lists the name(s) of acquiring banks through which you can process requests.

Click a site reference in the table to view further information and perform management actions.


Click the "View" button to display a pop-up that lists all child users associated with your Portal user account.

For each user listed, the First NameLast NameUsernameRolePrimary Email and Last Logged In date/time is displayed.

Click a username in the table to view the child user’s profile page and manage their account.

API Management

Click the "Open" button to access API management settings. Click here to learn more.

Cookie Preferences

Click the "Review" button to display a pop-up that allows you to read, review and amend your cookie preferences associated with Portal.


Access table

Field Comment
Last Log In The date and time you last logged in.
Last IP The IP address of where you last logged in from.
Device The type of device that last logged in.
OS The Operating System (OS) being run by the device that last logged in.
Browser The web browser being run by the device that last logged in.
Session ID A unique reference that identifies your session. Our Support Team may prompt you to provide this value when troubleshooting a problem.
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