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  Helaas is het hier beschreven product momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.


You can view and manage ongoing downloads from the transaction search and reporting screens.

  Required user roles


  How to access

Click "Downloads" from the top-right of any Portal page. If this link is greyed out, this indicates no recent downloads have taken place.



In-progress downloads

The downloads panel is automatically shown in the bottom right of the page when a download is initiated from the Transaction search or Reporting pages.

This can be temporarily collapsed by clicking the   icon in the top right of the box and expanded again later if needed.

Alternatively, click "Dismiss" to hide the panel entirely. This does not stop any in-progress downloads. To show the panel again, click "Downloads" from the top-right of any Portal page.

  Signing out will pause any in-progress downloads. These paused downloads will automatically resume when you sign back in.


Completing a download

Once a file is ready to be downloaded, it is shown with a   icon and the status text "Ready to download". Click the downloadicon.png icon to perform the download.

  Files that are ready for download remain available for 24 hours, after which the link will expire and you will no longer be able to perform the download.

Once you have downloaded the file, or you otherwise no longer need the download link, you can clear this from the panel by clicking the   icon.

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