Michael Buckley
I work on the Technical Specialist team based in Bangor.
How do I perform a sale when the customer is not present?
This article explains how to complete a sale using the POS terminal when the customer is not present. Follow the appropriate instructions below for your terminal: SmartPOS Tap Sale on the...
How do I perform a sale?
This article explains how to complete a sale using the POS terminal. Follow the appropriate instructions below for your terminal: SoftPOS Please refer to our user guides: SoftPOS for And...
Account Funding Transactions (AFT)
Before flagging a transaction as an AFT, your account must be enabled and registered for AFTs Any attempt to flag a transaction as an AFT using a site reference that is not registered and enable...
How do I perform a POS refund when the customer is not present?
This article explains how to perform a POS refund when the customer is not present. Follow the appropriate instructions below for your terminal: SmartPOS Tap Refund on main screen Enter Manag...
Fee Summary report
This feature is available to merchants using our acquiring services. The "Fee Summary" report provides a statement-style view of the total number of transactions, fees, adjustments and other p...
Troubleshooting issues with NFC
NFC (Near Field Communication) is a short-range wireless technology that allows smartphones and cards to securely send payment data to your host device when held close together, enabling contactles...
Configuring your own library
The following content assumes you have obtained the necessary PCI certification to process and submit sensitive cardholder data in the request to our Webservices API.Read this article to learn m...
What is the password policy for Portal user accounts?
When setting the password for your Portal user account, you must adhere to our password policy: Must be at least 12 characters in length. Must contain at least one UPPERCASE letter: A-Z Must conta...
Getting started with WooCommerce
This plugin requires WooCommerce to work. Please install WooCommerce before proceeding. Testing This plugin has been tested by Trust Payments to ensure compatibility with the latest WooComm...
API Transactions with Adobe Commerce
How to access Sign in to your Store Admin. On the Admin Sidebar, click the Trust Payments logo. Navigate to Stores > Configuration. On the next page, navigate to Sales > Payment Methods. On th...