Abonnementen met Adobe Commerce

  Laatst bijgewerkt: 

  Helaas is het hier beschreven product momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

When adding a product to your site, you can also add subscriptions and manage them.


Configuring subscriptions on a product

To configure a subscription on a product, please follow the steps below:

  Before processing subscriptions in your production environment, ensure you first test your subscription solution in your staging environment by using your test site reference. Once you are ready to go live, you must cancel any test subscriptions from within the Store Admin (we explain how to do this below).

  1. On the Admin Sidebar, go to Catalog > Products, and upon page load, click “Add Product”.

  2. Fill out the form with subscription details as necessary. Then scroll down the page and open the “Trust Payments Subscription” tab.

  3. Ensure "Is Enable" is set to "Yes" for your subscription payment options to be displayed on checkout.

    You can also enable "Require subscription" to make it mandatory for a customer to complete the payment using a subscription.

      For merchants processing high volume recurring transactions, we recommend enabling Scheme updates (this can be enabled for specific products on your store). To do so, you will first need to contact our Support Team to enable Scheme updates on your Trust Payments account, and then return to the Adobe Commerce config page to enable Scheme updates, as shown below:

      Click here to learn more about Scheme updates.

  4. Click “Add Option” and add a subscription plan(s). By adding a single option, the customer is offered to pay for the product with a subscription matching the details specified. You can also add multiple options, allowing customers to choose between different subscription plans that may better suit their needs.

  5. Once done, click "Save" at the bottom of the page.


Manage customer's subscriptions

To manage your existing subscription plans, follow these steps:

  Updates to subscription management

In version 3.2.0 of the extension, the method by which subscriptions are handled has been overhauled. As a result, subscriptions initially scheduled on the older version will continue to be processed after the update but will not be shown as orders from within the Store Admin area.

Via Subscriptions page

  1. On the Admin Sidebar, click the Trust Payments logo > Subscriptions to view all of your subscriptions.
  2. You can select one or more subscriptions using the checkboxes on the left of the table, and then select "Cancel" from the "Actions" drop-down in the upper-left to cancel subscriptions in status "Processing". You can also click "View" on the right side of the table for a given subscription to view further details.

The columns displayed in this view are described as follows:

Order Increment ID: The order number of the first transaction in the recurring series.

Status: The status of the subscription. The following statuses can be shown:

  • Completed - Subscription has ended.
  • Processing - Subscription is active.
  • Cancelled - Subscription has been manually cancelled and will not proceed.

Transaction ID: The transaction reference shown in Portal.


Unit: Either "Day", "Week" or "Month".

Unit and Frequency: These fields are used to determine the frequency of payments (e.g. if Frequency is "7" and Unit is "Day", payments will be processed every 7 days.

Total Billing: The number of payments processed to date.

Final Number: The maximum number of payments to be processed by the subscription.

Next Billing and Last Billing: The date and time (in GMT) a customer will be billed for their next order and the last time they were billed, respectively.

Start Date: The date the first automated subscription payment is processed.

Has Error: If there is a problem with the subscription, this field will show “Yes” and details of the error is shown in the Error Message column.

Need Run Scheme: Indicates if the subscription in question is ready for Scheme updates to be run.

View: You can view the subscription details and the subsequent orders created (as shown below) by clicking “View” for a given subscription.


Via Orders page

You can also view subscriptions from within the Orders page. These are identified by the Subscription Type column.



If your subscriptions are not processed, or if the cron isn't running as expected, please follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure your Adobe Commerce cron is running by checking the cron list using the command crontab -l.

    This should show:

    * * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/magento2/bin/magento cron:run 2>&1 | grep -v "Ran jobs by schedule" >> /var/www/html/magento2/var/log/magento.cron.log


    If your Adobe Commerce cron is not in the list displayed, you can run the following commands to add it:

    bin/magento cron:remove
    bin/magento cron:install
    bin/magento cron:run

    (Ensure you have first made a backup of your existing setup)

  2. Inside your public_html/var/log/securetrading directory, there should be a subscription.log file present. Ensure that when the cron is running, you see the following output:

    TrustPaymentSubscription.DEBUG: Begin subscription 45 [] []

    (cron runs every 15 minutes)

    Alternatively, you can check public_html/var/log/cron.log

  3. Ensure your Webservices API details are correct within Stores > Configuration.

If you are still having issues processing subscriptions, please contact our Support Team and be prepared to provide details regarding your staging environment and SSH access to your server.

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