De uitbreiding Adobe Commerce installeren

  Laatst bijgewerkt: 

Magento Commerce is nu Adobe Commerce

De Trust Payments extensie blijft zowel Magento Open Source als Magento Adobe Commerce omgevingen blijven ondersteunen. In onze documentatie zullen we uitsluitend naar deze extensie verwijzen met de Adobe Commerce branding, maar alle instructies zijn ook van toepassing bij integratie met Magento Open Source.

Klik hier voor meer informatie over Adobe Commerce.


  Helaas is het hier beschreven product momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.


  • If you have version 2.4.4 of Adobe Commerce installed, you should target composer require securetrading/stpp_json:4.0.1
  • If you have a version older than 2.4.4, you should target composer require securetrading/stpp_json:2.0.0


First, please contact our Support Team and request a copy of the extension be emailed to you.

Once you have loaded the extension onto your server, navigate to the Magento /app/code directory:

cd /var/www/magento/app/code

Create a folder named SecureTrading/Trust within the /app/code directory.

mkdir /var/www/magento/app/code/SecureTrading/Trust

Navigate to the newly created /SecureTrading/Trust folder.

cd /var/www/magento/app/code/SecureTrading/Trust

Place the extension file within this directory.

scp : <path to your extension> <ssh server>:<path to SecureTrading/Trust directory>

Once the extension has been extracted, navigate to the Magento root directory.

cd /var/www/magento

You can now run the bin/magento commands.

If you are still having issues when installing our extension, please contact our Support Team and provide your staging environment, Store Admin login credentials and SSH access to your server.

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