Uw eigen gebruikersinstellingen bewerken

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  Helaas is het hier beschreven product momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

To manage the settings for your user account, sign in to your Trust Payments MPA Portal, click your profile picture in the top-right (or your initials if you have not yet uploaded a profile picture) and then click "User settings".


You will be displayed a menu that provides links to different settings you can change:


User profile settings

  • Personal details - On this page, you can edit your personal details, such as phone number and email.
  • Notifications - On this page, you can configure push and email notifications.
  • Languages - You can change your language for the Trust Payments MPA Portal. Available languages are English, Spanish, German and Italian.
  • Delete account - Click this option to begin the process of deleting your Trust Payments MPA Portal user account.

Security settings

  • Password - You can change your password. To do this, you must provide your current password and enter a new password twice.
  • Security code - You can change your security code. To do this, you must provide your current security code and enter a new security code twice.
  • Security questions - You can view the answers to your security questions. The answers to these questions have already been defined and cannot be edited. You will be prompted for your security code before the answers are shown.
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