Gedetailleerde transactiegegevens bekijken

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Follow these steps to view detailed information regarding a transaction:

  1. Sign in to your Trust Payments MPA Portal and click "Accounts" from the navigation on the left to be taken to the Accounts page.

  2. Click on an account from the list of accounts displayed.


  3. The available balance and current balance are shown in the top-left of the page and a list of transactions are displayed beneath.

      If necessary, click the   icon for options to filter the list of transactions displayed.

    Click a transaction to view further details.


  4. You will be displayed detailed transaction information. The following information is available for each transaction:

    Transaction owner Identifies the user of the account that has made the transaction. Applies to outbound transactions.
    Description Description of transactions, as introduced by the user for manual transactions or, for card transactions, as defined by the merchant.
    Category We allow users to categorize transactions. There is a vast array of options, including Accounting, Rent, and Hotel. This is available for outbound transactions only.
    Tags Transactions can be associated with a tag for easier reporting and aggregation. To create a tag, start typing in the search area. If the tag does not exist already, the option to create a new tag appears.
    Payment scheme Identifies the payment scheme used for the transactions. Available for outbound manual payments.
    View payment details Shows payment details.
    Download payment statement Downloads detailed transaction information in PDF format.
    Transaction receipt Allows the user to attach a receipt to the transaction.
    Comments Allows the user to add comments to a transaction. Comments are visible to all users of the account and support team collaboration.
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